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What did inbound marketers learn from four days of inspiration and learning at #Inbound18?

Written by Chris Bayliss | Sep 26, 2018 1:46:00 PM

Earlier this month thousands of sales and marketing professionals gathered in Boston for Inbound18, the festival of HubSpot and everything inbound.

The event coincides with peak product launch season at HubSpot, when tweaks to existing products and brand-new functionality are both announced alongside keynote speakers and analysis of the latest inbound trends.

As a HubSpot partner agency and proud to be helping businesses across Europe get the very most out of HubSpot, we were naturally on tenterhooks to find out what the latest tools to play with would be. And they did not disappoint - let’s take a look:

Flywheel instead of funnel
Those familiar with HubSpot and inbound marketing theory will understand the marketing lead funnel, which sees a business mapping out every stage of the buyer process from awareness and interest to consideration and purchase. It’s a key tool to ensure that the content on and user flow of a website are both carefully planned and designed to help people take those steps as easily as possible.

The latest thinking from HubSpot is that the funnel doesn’t allow a business to exploit its biggest asset – existing customers. By reworking the funnel into a flywheel with growth at the centre, businesses are guided to keep serving content to customers once they have purchased, not just while they are in the funnel. This ensures customers are served useful resources and extras that encourage referrals and help identify friction points in the post -sales cycle before they become an issue...

HubSpot Video

Video is everything in 2018. Social media platforms are investing non-stop in video serving capability and it’s proven to accelerate marketing success. Video marketers get 66% more qualified leads per year and can achieve a 54% increase in brand awareness versus those who ignore this content type. It is therefore no surprise whatsoever that HubSpot rolled out a whole range of video creation, analytics and management features at Inbound18. The features of HubSpot Video include on platform video hosting, in-video calls-to-action, a video creation tool and the ability to serve individuals personalised videos. YouTube integration is another key upgrade that’s sure to delight HubSpot users everywhere. Want to know more about HubSpot video? Look out for our follow-up blog focusing on this new functionality and going into more depth about its features and benefits – coming soon.

Growth Suite

For businesses keen to keep an eye on the bottom line (so that’s all of us, then!) the announcement of a new stacking offer from HubSpot has gone down very well indeed. If you go down the route of the new Growth Suite and choose to stack marketing, sales and service together, you’ll receive a 25% discount and ensure your business benefits from end-to-end HubSpot goodness.

HubSpot’s tools are designed to ensure HubSpot works for all sizes of business from start-up to large multinational company. This is why Growth Suite is available at Starter, Professional and Enterprise levels, meaning HubSpot has the software to support your growth around the entire flywheel whatever your size, and with a useful discount to boot.

HubSpot CMS

The HubSpot CMS is a website creation tool powered by the HubSpot CRM allowing you to customise the entire buyer journey, streamline marketing and sales processes and deliver true closed loop reporting and attribution. This long-time pillar of the HubSpot ecosystem is now available as a standalone product with an easy to use drag and drop builder, inclusive hosting with SSL enabled browsing and a world class CDN all included in the price.

Enterprise Level Features

Last but not least, the Enterprise level has a host of new features across marketing, sales and service giving large and multi-brand businesses an even more robust and sophisticated set of tools with which to grow their businesses. A taste of these below:

  • More advanced campaigns with Facebook Messenger tools
  • Continuous A/B testing
  • Email throttling
  • Automatic call transcription
  • Integrated sales playbooks
  • Quote approvals
  • Workflow extensions
  • Health scoring
  • Goal setting tools

Overall you will enjoy greater flexibility, deeper integrations and less complication than ever before, meaning you can get on with shaping winning strategy safe in the knowledge your toolset is going to be there to help you seamlessly deliver.

To learn more about these and the myriad other features enjoyed by HubSpot users just pick up the phone for a chat or say hello using the live chat function on the site. Speak to you soon.