Reflections on 2021: Without using the word COVID!

Author: Chris Bayliss Author Chris Bayliss
Published: 22 December 2021
2 Minute Read
2021 for EnquiryLab 

This year represented a turning point in the development of EnquiryLab, the shockwaves from 2020 reverberated strongly through our business, but rather than knocking us down they picked us up and gave us the space to think more deeply and with greater clarity about how we create value for our clients. 

This put into motion the most far-reaching set of changes we have ever implemented in the business, from our operating model to the systems we use and the partners we go to market with. It also created the catalyst for a significant increase in headcount with the team doubling in size since January to give us the breadth and depth we need to deliver even better work. 

2021 also marked the year we attained Platinum Partner status with HubSpot, representing the culmination of several years of growth and a significant amount of time spent attaining the right level of expertise. We are now proud to be part of a relatively small group of top-tier partners in the solutions partner programme.

Looking ahead to 2022

I am sat writing this at the end of an all-day planning meeting and as we look forward to 2022 we are faced with the challenge of how to keep accelerating our growth not just in the size of our business, but also in the amount of knowledge we have within it. We have always believed in hiring great people and investing in them and one of our big initiatives for early next year is a significant investment in training, focusing on the things we know our clients want more of.

We also have exciting news in that we will be launching a new brand after Christmas focusing on the emerging field of RevOps, or revenue operations and will be further bolstering our team in this area. RevOps, for those not familiar with it, is the process by which you build your revenue engine, the interconnected system of technology and processes that power your marketing, sales and service operations. 

We will offer a level of HubSpot technology implementation and systems integration services beyond even what we currently offer in EnquiryLab supporting more complex integration use cases. Connecting your existing systems and delivering the consultancy and process design services to ensure your team are maximising every opportunity to drive efficiency and higher conversion rates into your processes. We will let you know more about this in the new year.

Finally, I just want to wish all of our clients, partners, suppliers and of course our wonderful team and all of your families a nice restful Christmas. It’s been a pleasure working with you all in 2021 and I look forward to continuing to grow together next year.

Best wishes,

Chris & Christina

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